Can I replace an item?
For broken, damaged or wrong products, you can ask for a replacement, which will take 3 – 5 days to be re-delivered at the recipient’s address.*

Can I return an item?
In case of returns, the refund will work in the following manner:
For broken, damaged or wrong products, you can either ask for a refund to your card, wallet or account which you originally used to make the payment. we will process the refund within 24 hours. The complaint needs to be supported by a picture of the product.
Personalized products are Non-Returnable. If you want to return Products in good condition only because you didn’t like them, is NOT liable to compensate.

In the following cases is NOT liable to refund the cost of the product in any form for any “Couriered” order:
a> If the complaint is made after 10 days of the delivery date.
b> If the products are delivered to an incorrect address provided by the sender.
c> Unsuccessful delivery due to the recipient not being available at the address provided by the sender at the time of delivery.
d> If the recipient refuses to accept the product.

Can you arrange return pick up?
For regular pin codes, we do provide return pickups, provided you have raised the return request within 10 days of receiving the package.
For any return request placed after 10 days from the date of delivery, we do not provide return pick-up facility. In such cases, you must ship the product back to us on your own.
For remote locations and international pin codes (outside of India), we do not provide return pick-up facility. In such cases, you must ship the product back to us on your own.

How much time does it take to return the product & get a refund?
Once you get in touch with us, if return pick up facility is available at your location, it will take 3-5 business days to arrange the return pickup. Once the product has been picked up, we process the refund within 24 hours.
If yours is a remote location and you ship your product directly to our warehouse, it usually takes 3-5 business days for the items to reach our warehouse. Once we receive the item, we process the refund within 24 hours.

Can I cancel my order?
Order with personalized/customized products or won’t be cancelled once it is processed. Your order with standard products can be cancelled if it has not already been dispatched. We usually process all orders within a couple of hours of it being placed, and dispatch on the same day. So, in case you would like to cancel the order, please get in touch with us at the earliest.
You can call our customer care at +91 63798 05606. You can also write to us at [email protected]. In case of legitimate cancellations, we will process your refund within 24 hours of cancellation.

How long does it take to process my cancellation?
Order cancellation is initiated instantly but it takes 4-5 working days for the amount to reflect in the bank account.

Can I ask for a partial cancellation of my order?
We don’t allow partial cancellations of the order. If your order is not dispatched, you can fully cancel the order and place a new one. If your order is already dispatched, then you cannot cancel the order.