What delivery options do you provide?
We provide several delivery options depending on the location and the gift item.
For regular pincodes, we ship our products through premier courier partners like Professional Couriers, Blue Dart, FedEx, Delhivery Surface, Amazon Surface, etc

How long does it take to deliver gifts?
In general, for regular pincodes, we deliver our orders within 7-10 business days in India. Remote locations may require longer delivery times and it may take up to 7-12 business days to deliver orders on remote pincodes.

Do you charge for shipping?
For most of our products, we provide free shipping for standard delivery within India. You can check the shipping charges & delivery time for all items on their product pages.

Will all the items that I have purchased arrive on the same day?
No, all the items in your order may not arrive on the same day. We ship our items from different locations directly to your delivery address. As a result, items shipped from the same warehouse or the same vendor reach together whereas items coming from different locations or different vendors may have come separately.

Will my gift be delivered exactly on the date that I have chosen for delivery?
For all other gift items which are couriered, the date of delivery that you select is only tentative in nature. This is to accommodate orders which are placed significantly in advance of the actual occasion. In these cases, we try to deliver our products closer to the date of delivery that you have chosen but we do not guarantee the exact date of delivery.

How do I track my order?
You can track your order either using the Track Order link or your My Account section. The links for both are available at the top right-hand side of the home page.

What do I do if my order shows as delivered but the recipient has not received the gift?
Such instances are usually very rare. Most of the time they occur if the courier company has handed the parcel to the person who was available to collect it. It would usually either be the concierge, reception or security guard of your building. So please check with them once. In case, you are still not able to locate your item, please call our customer care at +91 6379805606 and we will help you with the issue.